Our idea is to have 4 tracks:
Track 1 – guiding a career ln life sciences
Senior Speakers – Video on Demand
Track 2 - hot topics in biomedicine
Senior Speakers – Video on Demand
Track 3 – a track specific for each SFB/GRK
Poster presentations – PPT Video files: Option for Feedback via Text and option to rate each poster/pick the best poster.
Track 4 – practical course
If possible: Presence in the clinic so not online
Detailed information:
Track 1 – guiding a career ln life sciences
Topics we aim to cover are general aspects important for a scientific career including the successful application for grants, but also a lecture informing about scientific misconduct.
We believe that informing about ethical issues as well as some aspects of history (human behaviour in crisis and pestilence) could also add to the general education and training of your scientists.
Track 2 - hot topics in biomedicine
We believe that each of the different CRCs and GRKs might have an idea of one speaker, who represents a real novel area of research. Our idea is that each participating CRC and Graduate school nominates one speaker from outside of Heidelberg to give a lecture on a topic of general interest in biology/medicine.
Track 3 – a track specific for each SFB/GRK
This track should be entirely planned and organized by each SFB/GRK itself. The speaker and his young scientists should decide on 5-6 talks from each SFB/GRK, given by the best young scientists of each SFB/GRK.
The format would be the sharing of presentations of each track with the attendees on an online platform.
Track 4 – practical course
In addition we would like to offer a session providing insight into the diagnostic and clinical side of diabetic complications as far as the circumstances permit the presence of the attendees to a certain degree. IF personal attendance is not possible, we shall try to present this online too.