Dr. sc. hum. Jennifer Fischer
Ärztlicher / Beruflicher Werdegang
- seit 2013
Postdoc in Prof. Dr. W. Richter's group at the Research Centre for Experimental Orthopaedics at Heidelberg University Hospital
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
- 2006 – 2012
PhD at the Research Centre for Experimental Orthopaedics at the Heidelberg University Hospital. Title: "Influence of Human Articular Chondrocytes on the in vitro Differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells".
- 1999 – 2006
Technical Biology (Diploma) studies at the Technical University Stuttgart. Study Thesis: Mathematical modeling of the "Influence of RGS-2 on Angiotensin II-signaling" at the Institute for System Dynamics, TU Stuttgart . Diploma thesis: "Interaction of Deleted in Liver Cancer 1 (DLC-1) with 14-3-3 Proteins" at the Institute for Cell Biology and Immunology, TU Stuttgart.
Scientific focus
Tissue engineering of cartilage with a focus on molecular mechanisms of MSC differentiation: MSC and articular chondrocyte biology, cartilage and intervertebral disc regeneration, cell differentiation, cell signaling, hypertrophy, co-culture models.