BScN, MSc, Ph.D. candidate Phidelis Nasimiyu Wamalwa

Phidelis N Wamalwa joined the Health Economics and Health Financing Research Group as a pre-doctoral student in October 2021. She has a background in Nursing, public health, and epidemiology. Her research interests include Health insurance including universal health coverage, service access, utilization and quality improvement, impact and process evaluation, cost effectiveness analysis health policy and advocacy. and mixed methods evaluation techniques. Phidelis doctoral research focuses on health insurance coverage and its effect on service utilization among the informal sector population.

Prior to joining HIGH, phidelis has worked as a lecturer and program staff at national and subnational levels in Kenya in the thematic areas of result based financing, community health strategy, maternal and newborn care quality improvement including Emergency obstetric and newborn care (EmONC) and maternal and perinatal death surveillance and response (MPDSR), project monitoring and evaluations and implementation research, District health information systems (DHIS2), designing of mobile technology applications in improving quality of service delivery and Covid-19.

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

Since 2022 April Institute of Global Health hum. Candidate; University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany

2014 Master of Science in Epidemiology; Institute of tropical medicine and infectious disease; (Affiliate of Jomo Kenyatta university of Agriculture and technology-Kenya)

2009 Bachelor of Nursing and public health; Kenyatta university-Kenya