Portrait von Dr. rer. nat. Elke Kunisch
Dr. rer. nat. Elke Kunisch

Biomaterialien, Knochenregeneration, Tissue Engineering, Zellbiologie, mesenchymale Stromazellen, Biokompatibilität, Zellbiologie

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

seit 2017

Postdoc in Prof. Dr. W. Richter’s group at the Research Centre for Experimental Orthopedics at Heidelberg University Hospital

2012 – 2017

Postdoc at the Experimental Rheumatology Unit, University Hospital Jena. Working on the development of biotechnologically modified calcium phosphate cements for the stabilization of osteoporotic vertebral fractures (>German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, 0316205B).

2011 – 2012

Postdoc at the Center Sepsis Control and Care, University Hospital Jena. Characterization of a murine model for long-term sequelae of sepsis.

2002 – 2011

Postdoc at the Experimental Rheumatology Unit, University Hospital Jena. Analyzing the role of TNF-a and its receptors for the activated phenotype of synovial fibroblasts from rheumatoid arthritis patients.

1998 – 2002

PhD at the Experimental Rheumatology Unit, University Hospital Jena:

„Expression of tissue-degrading matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in short-term cultivated synovial fibroblasts from rheumatoid arthritis patients.”

Scientific focus

  • Tissue engineering and mesenchymal stem cell differentiation, mechanisms of mesenchymal stem cell hypertrophy and mineralization, characterization of zonal constructs for cartilage tissue regeneration.